anuario aconomico municipal 2021 del estado de queretaro


The migration phenomenon

The United Nations (UN) defines a "migrant" as a person who permanently changes their place of regular residence from one political administrative division to another, in order to improve and expand their opportunities for economic and social development, in an environment deemed more appropriate.

The constant displacement of people between different geographical areas is a determining factor for the demographic growth and transformation of the structure of the population of the states, municipalities, cities and localities of the country. This phenomenon has been accentuated in Mexico due to the intense internal migratory activity experienced during the last 40 years.

The National Institute of Migration (INM for its Spanish acronym) is the body responsible for implementing migration policies. It monitors the principles of respect and security for migrants, whether national or foreign, regardless of their situation, whether at the moment of their entry, during their stay, or at the moment of their departure from the national territory.

Municipio Próspero

Office for the defense of human rights

People have undeniable powers and attributions inherent to their condition as human beings without any discrimination based on their nationality, place of residence, sex, color, religion, language or any other condition. The public power must provide ideal conditions through the promotion, respect, protection and guarantee of citizens’ rights so that inequality, poverty and discrimination are overcome.

The following are among its main purposes:

• To guarantee the autonomy of individuals so that they can access decent and affordable life plans, protecting them from abuses by authorities, public officials and individuals.

• To contribute to the comprehensive development of citizens.

• To create sufficient democratic living conditions that allow all individuals to participate actively in the management of public affairs and community decisions.

• To define the jurisdiction of public officials regardless of their hierarchy or government institution of origin –federal, state or municipal– in order to prevent the abuse of power, negligence or ignorance of the position.

The following table shows the total number of complaints received by the DDHQ that were admitted both at the state and municipal level during the same period:


Source: Office for the Defense of Human Rights of Querétaro, 2021


The term disability, in general, includes the deficiencies, limitations of activity and restrictions of participation that afflict people. The first affect body structure or function; the second reflect difficulties in carrying out work or tasks; and the third are complications that limit the intervention of people in life situations. It is a complex phenomenon resulting from the interaction between the characteristics of the human organism and those of society.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that over 1,000 million people on the planet live with some form of disability; out of these, nearly 200 million experience considerable difficulties that prevent them from fully functioning.

This problem will become more acute in the coming years as more people become seniors. This factor increases the likelihood of suffering some type of disability, as well as chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular impairments and mental health disorders.

To mitigate this situation, the WHO developed the Global Plan of Action on "Disability 2014-2021". The goal is to guarantee the human rights of disabled people and improve their health and well-being through three specific actions:

1. Remove barriers and improve the access to health services and programs.

2. Strengthen and expand rehabilitation, habilitation, assistive technology, assistance and support services; as well as the revitalization of community areas.

3. Improve the registry of significant data on disability in order to obtain international comparisons and promote research on this problem and its related services.

According to the census conducted in 2020 by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI for its Spanish acronym), the total population of the municipality of Querétaro amounts to 1,049,777 inhabitants, of which 150,536 —53.8% women and 46.2% men— suffer from some limiting condition or disability.

Municipal system for the comprehensive development of the family (Municipal DIF)

The municipality of Querétaro has the presence of the DIF –a Spanish abbreviation for Desarrollo Integral de la Familia meaning Comprehensive Development of the Family–, a decentralized public body with legal personality and its own assets. Its general objective is "to foster the necessary actions to promote human development and family integration, contributing to improving the quality of life of the community, incorporating active and committed citizen participation".

1. DIF by your side

2. Médico en tu Calle (meaning Doctor in your street)

The School Breakfast Program had presence and activity in the 7 municipal districts. It should be noted that in 2020 there was a decrease of 22.0% due to the COVID-19 public health contingency.

In a wider picture, during the 2003-2020 period the number of schools benefiting from the program reached 2,621. The district that received the most aids was Santa Rosa Jáuregui with 61.4%, that is, 1,608 favored institutions. This is shown in the following graph:


Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Municipal System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family. General Directorate, 2021.

Municipal Institute of Women from Querétaro (IMMUJERES)

It is the body responsible for promoting, encouraging and implementing actions and conditions that enable formal and substantive equality. Its aim is to create a culture of equity, free of violence and discrimination, fostering the equal progress of both genders in political, cultural, economic and social life.

The implementation, promotion, support and issuance of recommendations for the implementation of strategies and public policies aimed at the integral development of all women, are among the most important goals of this body.

In order to comply with the guidelines of the 2018-2021 Municipal Development Plan, there is ongoing work regarding the actions stipulated in the 2018-2021 Program for Substantive Equality between Women and Men of the Municipality of Querétaro which are focused on preventive matters about: erétaro 2018-2021 en temas preventivos sobre:

• Human rights

• Gender equity

• Substantive equality

• Gender-based violence

Municipal Family Institute (IMFAMILIA for its spanish acronym)

Family is human’s first social environment, it is there that they acquire values, principles and notions of life. It is also the affective and formative base par excellence, where the bonds of love, peace and cordiality in the home and the community are consolidated.

The IMFAMILIA, is the body responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring public policies, programs and actions aimed at strengthening family cohesion in the municipality of Querétaro.

The institute has 2 different coordination offices, each with specific work structures. Among its main results are:

1. Coordination of Strengthening and Linkage:

2. Coordination of Training and Mediation:

Educational structure

Following the guidelines of the National Development Plan 2019-2024 which propose the improvement of the material conditions of the country’s schools to guarantee access to education for all young people, the Ministry of Public Education has the task of dignifying the educational centers. In order to achieve this, the Federal Executive, Congress of the Union and the representatives of the national teachers’ union are holding a permanent dialogue in order to build a new legal framework for education.

The Municipality of Querétaro —in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Development Plan 2018-2021, Principle 3 Inclusive Municipality— recognizes education as a human right and one of the main means for the deep transformation of individuals and, consequently, of society. The importance of education for development resides in the fact that knowledge is one of the most important factors in productivity.

The municipality of Querétaro recorded an enrollment of 306,921 students in its 7 educational levels. From that figure, 69.1% corresponded to students with public support and 30.9% to private. This amount represented a decrease of 3.8% compared to the previous 2019-2020 school cycle.

Fuente: Secretaría de Educación del Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro (SEDEQ), 2021. (Estadística Educativa del ciclo escolar 2020-2021, integrada por la Unidad de Servicios para la Educación Básica en el Estado de Querétaro, USEBEQ, a través de los formatos 911 y oficializada por la Secretaría de Educación Pública, SEP)

¹No incluye las Unidades de Servicios de Apoyo a la Educación Regular (USAER) ya que son alumnos de diferentes niveles, contabilizados en los mismos.

²Se incluyen alumnos y docentes de 1° de preescolar que son atendidos en centros de trabajo de educación inicial.

³Incluye modalidad del sistema escolarizado y no escolarizado.

⁴Incluye los niveles de técnico superior universitario (TSU) y licenciatura, así como especialidad, maestría y doctorado de posgrado; modalidad de escolarizado y no escolarizado.


Source: Ministry of Education of the Executive Power of the State of Querétaro (SEDEQ), 2021. (Education Statistics of the 2020-2021 school cycle, integrated by the Service Units for Basic Education in the State of Querétaro, USEBEQ, through forms 911 and made official by the SEP).

Programs to foster education

It is an initiative that allocates economic incentives to middle school, high school, baccalaureate and undergraduate students from public schools, who live in the municipality of Querétaro and who are in conditions of socioeconomic vulnerability, but who also meet an outstanding level of academic achievement.

In the 2019-2020 school cycle, 4,544 students benefited from the first delivery of financial support and 4,631 with the second. The following table provides the details of the contributions according to the educational level of the students.

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Ministry of Human and Social Development, 2021.



Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Ministry of Humand and Social Development, 2021.


The school mobility system is a safe and economical transport alternative. It benefits the families of the municipality of Querétaro and contributes to reduce road congestion at peak times in the district.

Free school transportation benefits students between 4th grade and 9th grade. It has 67 routes (7 of the Multiple Attention Center) that cover all municipal districts.

For high school and higher education students who need to get around at night, free college transportation is a safe, fast, and free option from 21:15 to 22:15. The service has 19 lines in 6 municipal districts.

The institutions associated with this service are the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ for its Spanish acronym), the National Technological Institute of México (TECNM for its Spanish acronym), the Technological University of Querétaro (UTEQ for its Spanish acronym), the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ for its Spanish acronym), the Polytechnic University of Querétaro (UPQ for its Spanish acronym), the UAQ Juriquilla Campus, the National Pedagogical University (UPN for its Spanish acronym) and North and South High Schools.

In 2020, free transportation programs had to be suspended for all educational levels due to the public health contingency arising from the COVID-19 disease.


Through this initiative, the Ministry for Human and Social Development contributes to the development of the academic and personal potential of students from basic to higher level, helping them to have dignified, safe and adequate facilities. These actions encourage the dynamic and responsible social participation of teachers, students and parents to achieve a common good in the educational field.

The support is provided as the construction and rehabilitation of essential infrastructure such as classrooms, health services, perimeter fences, sports fields, civic squares, roofs, ramps and walkways, among others. All these actions are carried out in compliance with the current regulations of the competent authorities.

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. COPLADEM, 2021.


Research centers

Promoting science, technology, research and innovation is the way to generate long-term sustainable development and build modern and inclusive societies. These activities are essential for development and competition in environments which are increasingly dominated by knowledge and information.

Research centers are a fundamental part of innovation, linking and coordinating the academic sector with the private industry to generate specialized scientific knowledge that provides effective solutions to today's great challenges.

According to the classification criteria of the CONCYTEQ, research centers are divided into 4 different types. Those in the private sector constitute just over half of the total of centers in the municipality (54.2%), as shown in the following table:

Source: Council of Science and Technology of the State of Querétaro (CONCYTEQ), 2021.

The participation of the Autonomous University of Querétaro stands out, which registered 14 centers dedicated to different areas of study in 2020, concentrating 496 researchers, an amount that represents 16.7% of the total of the entity.

Source: Council of Science and Technology of the State of Querétaro (CONCYTEQ), 2021. 1SNI: National System of Researchers of CONACYT.

anuario aconomico municipal Querétaro municipio
anuario aconomico municipal La Diferencia se siente