anuario aconomico municipal 2021 del estado de queretaro


Municipal structure

The configuration of the territorial division and the political and administrative organization of the states depends on each of them given they have their own legal personality and assets in order to establish their structural guidelines.

The Municipality of Querétaro has a process of selection, hiring and training for public officials and recruits with the aim of providing a quality service to citizens.

The structure consists of 9 levels.

  • 1. Municipal presidency
  • 2. Ministries
  • 3. Regencies
  • 4. Addresses
  • 5. Coordination offices
  • 6. Department headquarters
  • 7. Administrative personnel
  • 8. Operational personnel
  • 9. Police

On the other hand, the city council comprises 27 agencies:

  • • 1 Municipal Council
  • • 7 Coordination Offices
  • • 1 General Directorate
  • • 1 Trust
  • • 1 Institute
  • • 1 Internal Control Body
  • • 14 Ministries and
  • • 1 Municipal DIF System


During 2020 the Municipality of Querétaro had a workforce of:

29 public officers with disabilities work in the 9 municipal agencies. The following table details the information:


Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Department of Human Resources, 2021.


Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Department of Human Resources, 2021.


Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Department of Human Resources, 2021.

New public management

Open dialogue with citizens has been a primary condition for maintaining maximum effectiveness in the performance of government functions. The actions of the administration encourage social participation and the management of positive results with public value through programs, strategies, projects and work focused on it.

In this sense, the mission of the municipal government has been "To build a management model that dignifies the work of public officials, regains the trust of citizens and guarantees a better quality of life for all."

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Board Coordination, 2021.

The transversal axis of Family Perspective with Social Equity stimulates the municipal authority to maintain an environment of opportunities, equality and respect for all, thus strengthening the social fabric in order to generate a culture of community, solidarity and mutual support.

The 5 axes that govern the administrative work of the 2018-2021 period are shown in the following table, as well as the programs that each one develops:

GUIDING AXES, 2018-2021.

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Board Coordination, 2021.

Internal Municipal Control body (oic)

Pursuant to the Law of Administrative Responsibilities of the State of Querétaro, the OIC (for it’s acronym in Spanish Órgano Interno de Control) are administrative units that foster, evaluate and strengthen the functioning of public entities, as well as those other instances of the autonomous constitutional bodies that, according to their corresponding laws, are competent to apply the laws regarding the responsibilities of public officials.

The OIC is governed as a Decentralized Public Organism of the City Council with technical autonomy and its saying is to apply the Municipal System of Prevention, Surveillance, Control, Inspection and Evaluation. Its purpose is that human, material and financial resources are managed and exercised properly in accordance with the approved plans, programs and budget, taking into account their scope of competence and safeguarding the principles of discipline, legality, objectivity, professionalism, honesty, loyalty, impartiality, integrity, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency that must be observed in the public service.

The following table specifies the actions covered and carried out by the OIC during the 2020 financial year:

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Department of Responsibilities of Internal Control Body, 2021.

The information of resolutions per day is obtained from the Integal System of Administrative Processes Follow up (SISPA for its acronym in Spanish).

In 2020, 22 administrative investigation files were opened and 67 administrative proceedings against a public official took effect, both cases represented decreases with respect to the previous year: 47.6% and 65.3% less, correspondingly. It is worth noting that, of the last 7 years, in 2020 the fewest complaints were received: only 5.1% of the 1,304 in total.


Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Department of Responsibilities of Internal Control Body, 2021.

There are 3 types of administrative responsibility that public officials can incur:

1. Disciplinary

2. Disciplinary and compensation

3. Proprietary

In the year of analysis, 45 disciplinary procedures and 22 proprietary procedures were registered, as shown by the following graph:

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Department of Responsibilities of Internal Control Body, 2021.

Transparency and access to public information unit

It is the organization in charge of receiving and channeling the requests and concerns of the citizens of Queretaro to the corresponding areas. It also handles the appeals for review presented to the State Commission for Transparency and Access to Public Information of the State of Querétaro.

The Transparency and Access to Public Information Unit depends on the Cabinet Coordination within the municipal structure and is in charge of providing training to public officials on the matter.


The process to request the information is through the National Government Information Platform (INFOMEX), once processed, the system automatically generates a single entry number that guarantees its follow-up. The response to the request has a maximum period of 20 business days.

The agencies that received the highest number of requests for information were the Ministry of Sustainable Development with 387 requests, followed by the Ministry of Administration, which responded to 227 requests. Between the two they obtained 34.3% of the total, 22.1% and 12.2% correspondingly.

City Council

It is the administrative body of the municipal government that bases its guidelines on the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and is represented by a mayor who personifies the highest institutional command.

The City Council of Querétaro conducts different meetings of the Municipal Council according to the nature of their interests:

• Regular, 2 times a month.

• Special, as many times as necessary.

• Solemn, when the members of the new City Council take an oath; government reporting; and visits by the President of the Republic, Governor, representatives of the Executive, Legis lative or Judicial Branch and, in general, important individuals.

The meetings are mostly public, led by the municipal president and held in the City Hall Meeting Room. In 2020, 32 meetings took place, increasing the number by 10.3% compared to the previous year.

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Ministry of City Council, 2021.

Durante el mismo año se implementaron 4 nuevos reglamentos municipales y se realizaron 9 reformas a los ya existentes. El detalle de la información se describe en las siguientes tablas:

Source: Municipality of Querétaro. Ministry of City Council, 2021.

Public resources

The 2018-2021 Municipal Public Administration is committed to maintaining a balanced budget through healthy public finances that preserve economic stability through an open, transparent and strictly accountable government exercise, to guarantee the participation of civil society and compliance with the rule of law.

The Expenditure Budget Project, together with the other documents of the public bodies that establish legal regulations, is publicly announced for citizens to become aware of it in accordance with the provisions of article 60 of the General Law of Government Accounting within its Income Law initiative.

With the goal of meeting the commitments established in the 2018-2021 Municipal Development Plan, the 2020 expenditure budget concentrated its efforts to prioritize social spending over administrative spending, an action that resulted in the satisfaction of the needs and demands of the inhabitants of the municipality, allocating more resources to the areas of public security and infrastructure development.

The following table specifies the breakdown of the concepts and their participation percentages, comparing the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years:


Source: Municipality of Querétaro, Ministry of Finance, 2021.

Source: Municipality of Querétaro, Ministry of Finance, 2021.

anuario aconomico municipal Querétaro municipio
anuario aconomico municipal La Diferencia se siente